What Is The Best Financial Services Software?

Posted on 11:23 am, April 20, 2012 by Ram Renga

Financial Services

Banking, Insurance, lending, or investing, financial service advisors are entrusted with the care of a given client’s assets and account wherein the client expects their relationship to yield high personal gain. Yet, financial service companies are constantly struggling to differentiate their product portfolio from competitors. By facing such a high degree of competition, most firms…

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What happens when I convert an opportunity into an order?

Posted on 11:34 am, April 18, 2012 by kdevarakonda

The Question: I am trying to learn the sales process in Apptivo, and I am wondering what the “Convert to Order” button does when viewing a sales opportunity The Answer: If you haven’t read about converting leads, take a look at that question first.The sales process in Apptivo work in three phases. Lead Opportunity Order…

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How do I bill a Customer for Hours Logged to a Timesheet?

Posted on 11:31 am, April 18, 2012 by kdevarakonda

The Question: I would like to use use the timesheets system in order to get the work approved by the customer, and then send them an invoice for that timesheet. How can I do this? The Answer: With Apptivo Project Management Time Tracking Software, rather than sending out invoices manually for each moment you spent…

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Can I create a custom PDF template for my Invoices?

Posted on 11:30 am, April 18, 2012 by kdevarakonda

The Question: I see that Apptivo automatically generates a PDF file of every invoice. Am I able to customize this template at all? The Answer: Yes, the Invoices App offers a great new tool that allows you to create your own custom templates which will be used to generate PDF versions of your invoices.To create…

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How can I bill a customer for hours tracked in a project?

Posted on 11:27 am, April 18, 2012 by kdevarakonda

The Question: I have been tracking all hours using activities in the Projects App. Can I just create an invoice for this project and have my hours calculated automatically? The Answer: What you describe can be accomplished directly from the Invoices App.  Click over to your Invoices App, and you’ll see a button at the…

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Once I have finished resolving a service work order, what do I do?

Posted on 11:22 am, April 18, 2012 by kdevarakonda

The Question: When I have completed all of the work involved with a service work order, what is the process to resolve and close out the order? What would be the next step in the process? The Answer: Before closing out and billing for the work order, make sure you have added all of the…

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How do I set up the Work Orders App for my business?

Posted on 11:20 am, April 18, 2012 by kdevarakonda

The Question: I run a heating & HVAC repair company and need a solution to manage our work orders. I took a look at the Service Work Orders App, and it seems to be what we need, but it doesn’t quite work right for our company as-is. How can I customize the app so it…

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Why would I want to relate a project to a sales opportunity?

Posted on 11:17 am, April 18, 2012 by kdevarakonda

The Question: I noticed there is a tab on my opportunities that allows me to associate a project. Why would I want to associate a project to an opportunity, when a project indicates a deal has already closed and we are fulfilling the order? The Answer: While your assumption was quite correct in most cases,…

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What are Items of Interest in the Opportunities App?

Posted on 11:15 am, April 18, 2012 by kdevarakonda

The Question: I am using the Apptivo CRM apps for my sales process, and noticed the “Items of Interest” tab is present for viewing one of my opportunities. What is this tab for, and how can I use it? The Answer: The “Items of Interest” feature is designed for companies who are selling a physical…

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