We, at Apptivo, are very happy with the update of the Android Unified App (Apptivo Base) which have been deployed on January 24, 2018, with various updations which are much useful for Mobile devices. Now, let us go through a brief note about each feature included in this Unified App.



  • Homepage for Calendar
  • Homepage for My Follow Ups
  • Homepage for Call logs
  • Homepage for Notes
  • Highlight Opportunities
  • Contacts based on Status
  • Record the Loss Reason for Opportunities

Supply Chain

  • Customize Pricing position in Orders App
  • Backorder Management


  • Customize Pricing position in Estimates App
  • Customize Pricing position in Invoice App

Project Management

  • View & Redirect to Tasks and Milestones right from Gantt Chart



  • Homepage for Calendar – In Android (Mobile) Apptivo CRM provides you with a separate homepage for Calendar. On selecting Calendar from Activities menu, you will be opened with the Calendar homepage.
    CRM app

    Calendar homepage consists of “My Events”, “My Employee Events”, “By Team”, “By Status” and “By Tags”. On selecting any of the fields, you will be viewing its page listing out its events. Clicking on the “+” icon helps you to create a new event.

    CRM app

    You can provide with the event details and click on Create button. Searching for events is done by both simple and advanced search. Advanced Search allows you to search for events using multiple fields whereas Simple search allows you to search for a single field.

  • CRM app

    My Events – You can view “My Events” in both Calendar view and in List view. Creation of new events(My Event) is possible from this page too by clicking on the “+” icon. In list view, you can view Overdue events, Today’s event, Upcoming event and Completed event. Searching for events can also be done by clicking on “More -> Search Event” icon for simple search and “More -> Advanced Search” for searching through various fields. The Search page will be opened where you can provide your known details.

    CRM app

    My Employee’s events – On selecting this, you will be opened with a pop up of various Employees where you can select the required employees whose event has to be seen.

    CRM app

    For instance: On selecting “All”, you can view all the Employees event in both Calendar view and List view. Creating new events is possible.

    CRM app

    By Team – You will see all your Teams as a pop-up and on selecting a single team helps you to view your team’s event created in the Calendar view. You can initiate a new event from this page.

    CRM app

    By Status – All the status will be listed and on choosing any status will lead to a listview. You can view overdue events, Today’s event, Upcoming events and Completed events. New events can be created.

    CRM app

    For instance: By Status – Completed events

    CRM app

    By Tags – Your created tags will be listed and on selecting any tag helps you to view the events created with the selected tags associated. Overdue events, Today’s event, Upcoming events and Completed events can be seen.

    CRM app

    On clicking on any Event, you will be opened with Overview page. You can move on to News Feed tab, Email, Notes and Documents tab.

    CRM app

    By selecting “More” icon, you can Edit, Add Task, Notes and Document, Send Email, Schedule Follow-ups and Log call by clicking on the More icon. You can also Delete if not needed. Complete it when the event is over.

  • Homepage for My Follow Ups – On choosing “My Follow Ups” from the Activities menu, you will be directed to Follow ups homepage. You will be in “My Follow Ups” page by default.
    CRM app

    You can also view “My Employee Follow-ups”, “Recently completed Follow Ups” and “By Apps”. It is also possible to create new follow up by clicking on “+” icon.

    CRM app

    You can view your created follow-ups in ”My Follow Ups” and your Employee’s follow-ups in “My Employee Follow-ups”. Both can be viewed in Calendar layout and in a List layout.

    CRM app

    Recently completed Follow Ups helps you to view the follow-ups which got completed recently. You can also filter for both Apps and People and view their follow-ups by selecting “Filter” option from “More” icon.

    CRM app

    On clicking on “By Apps” will display you with a pop up showing the Apps. You can select any Apps, for instance – Customers App.

    CRM app

    You can now view the Customer’s Follow-ups in Calendar and List view. Filtering is also possible. Addition of new followup can also be done.

  • CRM app
  • Homepage for Call logs – Call log home page will display you with “Show All”, “By Type” and “By Tags” fields. You can create your call log by clicking on “+” icon. “New Call log” page will be opened where you can provide your call log details and then click on “Create” button.
    CRM app

    On selecting “Show All”, you will be opened to all your call logs. Select a particular call log to view its details. You can also move to view the activities like Newsfeed, Email, Notes and Documents. More icon provides you with the option of Editing the Call log, to add Notes, Documents, Events and Tasks, to Schedule Follow up, to Send Mail. The delete option is available to delete the unessential call log created.

    CRM app

    For instance: Edit icon

    CRM app

    You can view Call logs based on “By Type” and “By Tags”. On clicking “By Type”, you will be opened with a pop up showing Incoming and Outgoing. For instance: Clicking on Incoming will display you the incoming call logs.

  • CRM app
  • Homepage for Notes – This is also same as Call logs where you can look for “My Notes”, “By Tag” and “My Employee Notes”. Selecting “My Notes” will list you with all your notes. Searching for notes by the Simple and Advanced search is possible.
    CRM app

    Clicking on “+” icon enables you to create a new note. You can even associate your notes with any apps and add tags. Finally, click on “Create” button to complete your note creation.

    CRM app

    Select a particular Note from “Show All” option to view its full details. You can Edit or Delete the Notes. We have a new option of printing your notes by selecting “Print” option from More icon.

    CRM app

    By Tag” option allows you to view the notes associated with the selected particular tags. You can Edit the note and Delete if not needed.

    CRM app

    My Employee Notes” displays you the notes of various Employees. You can either select “All” to view all the Employee’s Notes or a particular Employee to view his/her notes. Edit and Delete are possible from the Overview page. Search and advanced search of notes is possible.

  • CRM app
  • Highlight Opportunities
  • – In this release, we have added the highlighting feature in Opportunities App of Mobile Android CRM. This highlighting feature allows you to easily track the opportunities based on the highlighting condition.

    You can configure highlighting rules in the web which gets reflected in Mobile Android app.
    In the web, Go to Opportunities App. Click on “More -> Settings -> Opportunities -> Highlights”. Click on Create button to create new highlights with the prior condition. Here, we have given the criteria as Sales stage = Prospecting, so, whenever the Opportunity is in prospecting stage, it will be highlighted.

    CRM app

    Once updated in mobile, you can check for highlighted features in Opportunities App.

    CRM app
  • Contacts based on their Status – We have updated the Contacts App in this release, i.e we have incorporated the “Contact Status” field under Contact Details section. This field empowers you to separate the contacts based on their status. It is accessible in Creation page, Overview page and Duplication page. Users can search for projects using “Status” field in the Advanced Search option.
    CRM app

    It is also possible for users to create their own status for their contacts. It is done by clicking on the side drop arrow(>) and you will be directed to the Status page where you can view various statuses. Tap on the “+” icon near the Status field to create a new status.

  • CRM app
  • Record the Loss reason for Opportunities – We, in this release of Android, have added a new feature of recording the purpose behind losing an opportunity. You can create your own loss reasons in the web by clicking on “More -> Settings -> Opportunities -> Loss Reasons. Click on “Create” button to create your own loss reason. You can also view some default loss reasons.
    CRM app

    And now in the Mobile device, when an Opportunity moves to “Closed Lost” sales stage, “Recording a Lost deal” pop up appears where you can select your loss reasons from the drop down and furnish with the competitor and additional details. Click on Save button helps you in recording your customer’s loss reason.

  • CRM app

Supply Chain

  • Pricing feature in Orders App – Other than having the Price List associated with the customer category, we have now included this feature as an individual field, which can be incorporated into both the Header level and Line level of the Orders.

    The Pricing can be configured in the Master layout of the web. To view this Pricing field, Move to More -> Settings -> Orders -> Pricing. You can create your Price list in Pricing App.

    Supply Chain

    Here, we have selected “Enable Header level Price List

    Note: Enable the Pricing toggle in line level and Header level in Hierarchical view in the master layout.

    Supply Chain

    Once configured, in mobile devices, when you move on to Orders creation page, you can view the “Pricing” field in “Order Information” section.

  • Supply Chain
  • Backorder Management – One of the most awaited feature in Mobile which has been suggested by various customers is the Backorder Management which is now in the hot pan. Backordering gives you the ability to create orders for a product which is temporarily out of stock.(i.e The ordered quantity greater than available quantity).

    When on placing an order, you can view both the Available quantity(displays the available inventory quantity of the selected item ) and the backorder quantity(displays the number of items which are out of stock).

    Supply Chain

    Once a Backorder is created, the order status will be set to “Backorder” on the overview page.
    You can view all the back orders from the left navigation panel, under “By Status -> Back Order”.

    Supply Chain

    Note: In order to create backorders, you are required to enable the toggle ON from the Items App -> E-Commerce tab -> Allow Backordering in web layout.

  • Supply Chain


  • Customize Pricing position in Estimates App – Other than having the Price List associated with the Customer category, we have now included this feature as an individual field, which can be incorporated into both the Header level and Line level of the Estimates App.

    The Pricing can be configured in the Master layout of the web. To view this Pricing field, Move to More -> Settings -> Estimates -> Pricing. You can create your Price list in Pricing App.


    Here, we have selected “Enable Line level Price List

    Note: For existing users, enable the Pricing toggle in line level and Header level in Hierarchical view in Master layout.


    Once configured, In mobile devices, when you move on to Estimate creation page, you can view the “Pricing” field in “Products/Items sold” section.

  • Financials
  • Customize Pricing position in Invoice App – Besides having the Price List associated with the customer category, we have now included this feature as an individual field, which can be incorporated into both the Header level and Line level of the Invoice App.

    The Pricing can be configured in the Master layout of the web. To view this Pricing field, Move to More -> Settings -> Invoice -> Pricing. You can create your price list in Pricing App.


    Here, we have selected “Enable Header level Price List

    Note: Enable the Pricing toggle in line level and Header level in Hierarchical view in Master layout.


    Once configured, In mobile devices, when you move on to Invoice creation page, you can view the “Pricing” field in “Invoice Details” section.

  • Financials

Project Management

  • View & Redirect to Tasks and Milestones right from Gantt Chart – Gantt Chart in Android helps you to view the tasks, subprojects and milestones in a graphical manner. You would have known about the Gantt chart which has been a part of November 28 release. Now we have updated it.i.e when you are viewing the Tasks and milestones in Gantt Chart of a particular project, it redirects to the particular task or milestone name when selecting a particular object.

    Move on to “Project Management -> Projects” App. Select any existing project and you will be viewing the Overview page. Select “Gantt Chart” and you will be moved to “Gantt chart” page.


    Here you can view the Tasks, Subprojects and Milestones of the selected Project in a graphical representation.


    Now on tapping on any object, you will be opened with a popup. You can view its details(quick) and by clicking “View” button, you can redirect to the particular object page.

  • projects

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