Mobile apps help improve the competitiveness of businesses. Mobile devices have become the most effective method for accessing data from anywhere. The iOS app for Apptivo offers brilliant and stunning features. As a team, we are pleased to announce the recent updates in our All-In-One iOS application’s new version 6.3.4 in the App store with a wide range of updates.

Apptivo – All-In-One iOS App Updates – v6.3.4

  • Improvised Dependency Changes in Visibility & Mandatory Conditions
  • Supported Mobile List Layout in Cases and Cases Extended Apps

Improvised Dependency Changes in Visibility & Mandatory Conditions

Visibility and mandatory conditions in Apptivo are some of the key field characteristics in order to regulate attribute activities. In this update, we have enhanced this functionality to support the précised conditions on the visibility and mandatory actions for the attributes. Now, you can apply these conditions for the fields on Apptivo’s iOS applications. You can set the condition for the attributes on the Master Layout from the web version and that will be applicable in the corresponding apps of the Apptivo iOS application. Read more.

Improvised Dependency Changes in Visibility & Mandatory Conditions

Supported mobile list layout in Cases and Cases Extended Apps

Apptivo apps allow you to edit and customize the layout of the tables with the desired set of columns for the views. From this update, we have extended this support to customize the list layout of the mobile applications for the Cases and Cases Extended apps on the iOS applications. You can configure the layouts from the web version of the corresponding applications and have them replicated on those apps of Apptivo’s iOS platform. You can create a personalized view for the Default Fields and the Long Press Details Fields. Based on the configuration on the web version, the field will be displayed on those apps of iOS devices. Read more.

Supported mobile list layout in Cases and Cases Extended Apps

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