Hello! We are ready to offer you a couple of enhancements made to lessen your daily routine! We are happy to announce the newest Windows Apptivo All-in-One App build version To enhance your business, we have made some upgrades in this release. Let’s take a quick glance at short notes of the updates.

Apptivo – Windows All-In-One Mobile App Updates – v6.4.7.0

  • Notification Details section in Notes
  • Print PDF option in Cases App
  • List Layout feature in Invoices App
  • Display Radio Button as Toggle

Notification Details section in Notes

The Notes of the Cases app in windows application has been improvised with the Notification Details section. With this latest update, you can directly send the email notification to Customer, Assignee, and others whenever the note is created or updated in the case through the windows application. In addition, you can also add multiple email addresses in the “Share with Others” options to send the email notifications for notes update. For more information Click Here.

Print PDF option in Cases App

With this latest update, we have introduced the Print PDF option in the Cases app for windows application. Now, you can print and download the Cases information in the PDF documents. This will help you to send the case information as PDF documents through email as an attachment. The PDF templates/Layouts can be created and customized by using the Print/Web Layouts option in the Apptivo web version. The Print PDF action can also be customized through the Apptivo Web version. Click Here for more details.

List Layout feature in Invoices App

List Layout is one of the most common features used in all Apptivo apps. In the latest update, we have extended the list layout feature to Apptivo’s windows application. Users can create new layouts or customize existing layouts from the Apptivo’s web version with the desired set of attributes. The changes will get updated in the Invoices app in windows application according to your customization. More information Click Here.

Display Radio Button as a Toggle

The newest update of Apptivo has been improvised to display the Radio button as the Toggle in the Windows application. The user can customize to Display the Radio button as the Toggle field from the Master layout of the web version. With that, the radio field will appear as a toggle button in the windows application. In addition, the user can also add multiple values to be displayed as Toggle. For more information Click Here.

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