We are delighted to announce the feature updates which have been released on September 16, 2017 which are very much worth to the point. We are happy to share the updates with you. Have a look below to find out what’s new here for you in this update of Apptivo:
- Added Overdue Events in Calendar.
- Added On hand, Available and Reserved quantity in Item App
- Scale and Precision value adjusted in PDF
- Created On and Modified On field in the Advanced Search
- Booked Price Column is added to the Rental Availability section
Let us discuss briefly about this week features which were brought to live.
- Added Overdue Events in Calendar – It is currently possible to see the overdue events on Calendar of your home page and can make the event complete in case if you have forgotten the event. When the event created is not completed within the given end date and not marked as complete, then the event will be displayed in the Overdue Events list. So you can have a quick view of all the pending events from the main homepage itself, by clicking on the Calendar from the Apptivo home page and selecting My events. The events will be displayed in the Calendar view. Click on List View from the right corner to view all the Overdue events, Today’s event, Upcoming events, and Completed events.
CRM Updates
- Created On and Modified On field in an Advanced Search – The Advanced Search is provided with some additional rapid changes to make your search easier and to show the results as fast as possible. In the Customers App, you can now easily find the Customers based on details such as “Created On” and “Modified On” date in “Advanced Search” and then back to tracking your Customer details.
Supply Chain Updates
- Added On hand, Available and Reserved quantity – We have added On hand, Available and Reserved Quantity below the Inventory details in Items Overview page for your convenience. It will be a big task to move to Inventory management app to view the available quantity and on hand quantity of a single item every time. So, we have made it easy by displaying the on hand and available quantity right at the Items overview page.
Note: Make sure to enable the Inventory details section in the Master layout of the Items App for the existing user. Also, ensure to include the three fields in the List Layout of the Items App.
All the apps which consist of item line selection will display the on hand and available quantity.
For instance: On creation of new orders, you can see the Products/Items dropdown. On clicking search item, you can view the On hand and Available quantity within the item search list.
Purchase Orders
- Scale and Precision value adjusted in PDF – To the added feature, we enabled the Scale and Precision value for the entered numbers in the PDF. Whenever we give value of the items or products in the decimal values while creating a purchase order, it will be rounded of to two digits after decimal while printing PDF. It is now solved by enabling the scale/precision to display the actual values in the PDF without any rounding. If you are given with 45.345456 as a cost of a item, It will not be rounded and will display the actual value 45.345456 while printing PDF.
Financial Updates
- Scale and Precision value adjusted in PDF(All financial Apps supporting PDF) – To the added feature, we enabled the Scale and precision value for the entered numbers in the PDF. Whenever we give value of the items or products in the decimal values, it will be rounded of to two digits after decimal while printing PDF. It is now solved by enabling the scale/precision to display the actual values in the PDF without any rounding. If you are given with 45.345456 as a cost of a item, It will not be rounded and will display the actual value 45.345456 while printing PDF.
- Booked Price Column added with Rental availability section – It is now possible to change the booked price of the Rented property. While creating a property and providing a transaction type as “For Rent”, the Rental availability icon will be viewed in the Overview page. On selecting Rental Availability, you can view the Calendar periods with Booked price column. Once enabling the Available toggle, the booked price can be changed as for the today’s property rate.
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