• Create an invoice in Apptivo with the necessary information. If you have enabled the sync option for contact or customer in the Ledger app, it is a mandatory field. Ensure that the values are added in the required fields.
  • You can also change the Sync To Xero field to be a customer or contact while creating an invoice.
  • When you are creating an invoice for Products/Items Sold, it is mandatory to add a note. If not, your payment made via Apptivo will not sync with Xero.
  • Once the invoice is created, the overview page will display the sync status of the invoice.
  • When the sync is successful, the invoice will be automatically available on the Invoices page of your Xero account.
  • If the invoice is not synced, you can get to know the reason from the Xero Failure Reason field on the overview page.