Work Orders App can be modified as per your requirements. One important tool for adjusting the work orders is the possibility to add the custom fields. The work orders attributes describes each and every field of the work orders. These attributes are involved in the work orders creation.

Work Order Details
*Work Order # Specifies the work order number(manual/automatic).
*Reported Date Specifies the date on which the work order is reported.
Status Specifies the nature of work order.
Template Select the email template from the list.
*Approver Specifies the Approver of the work order(employee-manager/customer/contact).
Currency Select the currency from the list.
Item being Serviced Start typing the item name to be serviced, as it auto populates the existing items.
*Assigned To Specifies the employee or team to whom the work order is assigned.
Sales Order Start typing the Order Number, as it auto populates the existing orders.
Case Start typing the Case number, as it auto populates the existing cases.
Tags Specifies the tags associated with the work order.
Customer Information
*Customer Select customer from the list or create a new customer.
Contact Specifies the contact associated with that customer.
Service Location Select the location of service from the list(customer’s location).
Problem Summary
Severity Specifies the severity of work order(minor/major/critical).
Problem Code
Urgency Specifies the urgency of work order(low/medium/high).
Problem Description Specifies a short description of the problem.
Service Delivery Window
Service Date Specifies the service date.
Service Start Time Specifies the start time of the service.
Service End Time Specifies the end time of the service.
Services Provided Specifies the services provided based on hourly tasks.
Products/Items Sold Specifies the items or products to sell based on quantity.