This navigation part is landed in a port section of the supplier invoices home page. It is the most important section because all the supplier invoices options are displayed here. From here you can create a supplier invoices, have a view of the created invoices by tags, custom view reports.

Create Supplier Invoices

Supplier Invoices are generated after receiving products from suppliers. The supplier invoice can be created newly by entering the required information in the appropriate fields. A single supplier may contain the invoice #, supplier invoice #, supplier invoice date, invoice due date, notification due date and term of payment.

Show All

It helps you to find all the created supplier invoices. By clicking on Show All, all the supplier invoices will be displayed, where you can have an overview of them.

View Past Due Supplier Invoices

Supplier invoices App allows you to view the invoices which are unpaid beyond the due date. It helps you to keep the outstanding invoices and you can easily pay for them.

View Received POs

Supplier invoices allows you to create a new supplier invoices by purchase orders. By clicking on “Received POs” you can view the supplier invoices which are created by purchase orders, where you can have an overview of them.

View Supplier Invoices By Status

The supplier invoices may found under different statuses. If supplier invoices created and partially paid, then these invoices are considered drafts. If invoices are fully paid, then they are termed as paid invoices and are all stored under the common status.

View Supplier Invoices by Tag

These tags are used to filter the supplier invoices easily by their association. For an instance, you have created a tag with name “US Suppliers”. Now, the supplier invoice associated with this tag can be viewed by clicking on US Suppliers under By Tag.

My Views

A custom view is a feature that allows you to view supplier invoice information with preferred data fields. You can select the columns you would like to view and save it as a shortcut, displaying only the custom fields required.

Shared Views

This is the feature which allows to view the custom views created and shared by your employees.