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Apptivo is constantly working to improve its commitment to quality customer support. We kindly ask you to help us respond to your requests efficiently by providing all relevant information about the problem.

Apptivo service level guarantees for uptime, system response and issue response/resolution are as follows:


Apptivo services have an uptime guarantee of 99.9%.

In case of planned downtimes for maintenance, Apptivo will give at least 2 weeks of notice. Our maintenance activities are usually performed on Saturdays.

System Response

Apptivo prides in building and rolling out products with great user experience, including good system response times. On the cloud instance, we strive for UX responses to be less than 2 seconds on average, without considering tracking requests that are loaded in the footer, and hence doesn’t impact user experience.

Issue Response & Resolution

P1-Low P2 – Medium P3 – High P4- Very High P5- Blocker P10- Emergency
Priority Description
Severity No impact on the current system. Does not require a fix or workaround. No impact on standard workflows., Workaround is available to circumvent the issue. Minor Interruption to standard workflows., Workaround available to circumvent the issue. Major Interruption to critical processes affecting a subset of users. No workaround is available. Severe interruption to work, impacting all users. No workaround is available. The system is down. UI is not accessible. Need to restore the service as soon as possible.
SLA Targets
First response time Same business day. Same business day. Same business day. Within 2 hours. Within 2 hours. Within 1 hour.
Resolution time 4 Release cycle 3 Release cycle 2 Release cycle 1 Release cycle 7 Working Days 1-2 Working Days