
    Opportunities reports

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    • Create opportunity – You can create opportunity by entering pertained informations in appropriate fields through  create opportunity page. Hit “Create & New” button to save and continue creating new opportunity or hit  “Create” button to view opportunity information.

    • Pipeline – A sales pipeline is driven by amount and close date of an opportunity. This chart delivers the fundamental information of the opportunity which evaluates the amount with probability percentage.

    • All opportunities – You can view all opportunities by clicking “All opportunities”. You can click on a opportunity name & It will redirect you to Opportunities detail information page.

    • Recently Created – You can view recent opportunities with the click of “Recently created”. It will  redirect you to opportunity detail information page.

    • By Queue – You can view opportunities with click of “By Queue”. Here you can view your own opportunity, Your employee opportunity, your team opportunity.

    • To Follow Up – you can view the follow up opportunities by clicking of “To Follow Up”. It will be redirect you to opportunity detail information page.

    • By Sales stage –  You can view the opportunity by clicking “By sales stage”. It will display opportunity depend upon the sales stage to be selected.

    • By Market –  You can view the opportunity by clicking “Market”. It will display opportunities depend upon the market to be selected.

    • By Territory – You can view the opportunities by clicking “Territory”. It will display opportunities Related to the selected Territory.

    • My Views – You can view the opportunities by clicking “My Views”. It will display opportunities which is viewed by you.

    • Shared Views – You can view the opportunities by clicking “Shared views”. It will display views which is shared by others.

    • Quick Links – You can view the links by click “Quick Links”.