Opportunities Information
Name Name of the Opportunity.
Sales Stage select sales stage from predefined list.
Customer Select customer from predefined list.
Probability Set the potential amount.
Contact Select contact from predefined list
Type Select the type of opportunity from predefined list.
Lead source Select lead source from predefined list .
Close Date Choose estimate closed date from calendar picker.
Next step Enter the text for closed deal
Assigned to Select employee, who this opportunity will be assigned to, by default, it is assigned to the person creating the opportunity.
Campaign Search and select the type of sale (or) Create a new campaign with click of “Add New icon”.
Description Description about opportunities.
Company Information
Territory Territory of the opportunity. You can select territory from pre defined list with click of “Search” field.
Market Market of the opportunity. You can select market from predefined list or create new market with click of “Add New” in drop down box.
Segment Segment of the opportunity. You can select segment from predefined list or create new segment with click of “Add New” in drop down box.