The Common Features

Every app has it’s own unique features, but there are several common features which are available in every single application, and are relevant to any user of the system.

Activities, Notes, Documents, News Feed, and 360 View

Every app contains a set of records. For example the Customers App has stores all of your customer records. When viewing any record in the system, you’ll see a set of tabs for each one of these features, and this tab will show all objects (activities, notes, documents) that relate to this record. For example, I can get a list of all tasks for a customer, or views all documents uploaded for a customer.

All of the common features except notes & documents are considered “Activities”. Activities consist of Appointments, Follow Ups, Tasks, Call Logs, and Emails. Each of these activities is accessible not only from it’s relevant records, but also from the homepage dashboards. An activity can be freely associated to any record, or multiple records, within the system. All activities are aggregated and brought into the single homepage dashboard view, so a user can easily understand what activities require their attention.

There are two additional common features that work together to connect data together in a meaningful way: The News Feed & 360 Degree View. The news feed will show all activities and events relevant to the current record (for example, see a history of when you called a customer). The 360 degree view tab allows you to view other related records from different applications (for example to view a list of past invoices for a customer).

Click Here for Further Information on Activities.


Import data in your CRM and automatically assign it to the respective users.
Users with the CRM apps access can access this feature. The supported file format to import is Comma Separated Value (CSV).


Every search result is exportable, covering the custom views above. About 75% of the built-in reports can be downloaded to a spreadsheet.

Bulk actions
