
This method used to search the number of Customers in Apptivo using the Advanced Search.


Request Parameters:

Parameter Data Type Values Description
BaseURL https://api.apptivo.com/app/dao/v6/customers customer ‘s app API Base URL
a getAllByAdvancedSearch Action
startIndex 0 Starting index of total records
numRecords 50 Total records which we want to retrieve
searchData JSON {“customerName”:”ABC”} Text which we want to search
apiKey* String ZMQYFZTzBXAW-DoPSURDtNVBUEY-518d51ae-ab26-4c04-9f7b-8d26a586e90e Apptivo API Key
accessKey* String SqQxOzQZDvUT-fTsOrItIVDUGyV-5c90b8a3-4683-4145-8584-1ed40de970b9 Apptivo Access Key

* – Mandatory parameters


This will return the customers with JSON format.

Sample Request URL:


Sample Response
