
Collaboration is setting which includes all the common features, this may allow you to give access for your employees to view the common activities found in app.

Customize App

Customize App provides common features of Contracts App. These are like business attributes which supports you to customize your business with the custom fields. They can be quickly and easily added for customization. Contracts App allows you to add any custom fields that aren’t provided on the creation page by default.


Every contract will be assigned in a status when created.Here you can adjust the statuses that are available within the app. To disable an existing status, click the edit button, and then set the end date to today. You can also add additional statuses by clicking the create button in the upper right corner.

Email Templates

Email Templates will allow you to set up predefined messages. Email templates are customized email messages that you can send to your customers. Email templates can be used with any email sent, and they are also used for auto-reminders.

Sales Territories

A territory defines a geographical region which leads resides in. It may include regional or national level for larger businesses and city/state/country level for small business houses. You can add sales territory by clicking “Create” button in the top right corner.


Tags setting allows you to label your leads for defining leads It includes:

  • App Tags
  • Global Tags

View Column Sets

View Column Set – This feature allows you to customize your contract fields as a section according to your business utilities. You can easily access your preferred section quickly to save your custom views.


Views are filters that are easily accessible within the app, always found in the left menu. Views can be configured and set as per your needs.


Contracts API provides following six API configuration

  • Create
  • Update Case
  • Update Case Attribute
  • Query List
  • Query Count
  • Delete