• Convert cases into projects – Case conversion allows you to convert all the case information into a project, you can also add the team to follow up case.
  • Convert cases into work orders – Cases can also convert to work order  from where you can schedule an  appointment, provide services  for the case and get the approval from customer.

Convert cases into projects

  1. Create a new case or select an existing case to be converted.
  2. Click on “Convert” button.
  3. Choose “Project” to convert.
  4. On the project creation page (Projects App), Fill in the following details:
    • Name – Name of the Project.
    • Description – A short summary about a project.
    • Start Date – Starting Date of the project.
    • End date – Ending date of the project.
    • Status – Status of the project.
    • Priority – Priority of the project.
    • Customer – Name of the customer, this will be pre populated from Cases App.
    • Billing Method – Select a billing method from a predefined list.

Convert cases into work orders

  1. Create a new case or select an existing case to be converted.
  2. Click on “Convert” button and select “Work Orders”.
  3. On the work order creation page (Work Orders App), fill in the following information:
    • Customer – Customer name will be prepopulated from case.
    • Contact – Select a customer associated contact or create new.
    • Approver – Name of the customer.
    • Sales Order – Order created for customer.
    • Work Order # – This is an auto generated or manually entered to identify the work order.
    • Case – Case number will be pre populated from case.
    • Assigned To – Employee Name will be pre populated from case.
    • Reported Date – Date of reporting.