Campaigns App can be modified as per your requirements. One important tool for adjusting the campaigns is the possibility to add the custom fields. The campaigns attributes describes each and every field of the campaigns. These attributes are involved in the campaigns creation.

Attributes Description
*Name Name of the campaign.
Start Date Specify the date on which the campaign starts.
End Date Specify the date on which the campaign ends.
Description Specify additional notes or details about the campaign.
Tags Select the tag which is a short label.
Email Template Select the email template from the list.
From Address Select the email address from the list.
*To Start typing the name or email address, as it auto populates the existing contacts.
*From Select the email address from the list.
*Subject Subject of the email
*Message Message content or it will auto fill the theme from selected template
Template Select the email template from the list.
Attachments File icon enables the option to attach files.