• Manage Applications
  • Customize menu header
  • Customize favorite apps
  • Customize header color
  • Customize your status

Customize Apps from Apps store

You can add or remove apps as often as you want, and removing an app will never delete your information. Upon removing an app, it is simply no longer visible to your user account, all information will remain saved, and available for other employees in your firm.

Customize favorite apps

You can quickly access your favorite Apps which is added from the App Store by customizing the header of your account. Customize the header part by fitting the important or familiar Apps that you most frequently work with. This makes you easy to view and choose the Apps quickly from the home page.

Customize menu header

The “App menu header” is the list of applications available across the top of the screen after you log in. By default, the list shows all applications available, and you can click one of the tabs across the top to filter the list by a specific app category. You can also change the apps appearance through Preferences -> Menu Style.

Customize header color

You can easily change the header color of your account’s header bar. It’s easy to make changes in individual user’s account. Note: The changes in administrator account will not reflect on user’s account.

Customize your status

You can change your Account status, which resemble your availability in your business profile. You can view all the employees’ availability while assigning objects. You can also track employee log in history.