What is the updateTestimonial Method?

This method will update the details of an existing customer testimonial. Pass in the proper testimonial ID, and the new testimonial details to make the change. Changes will instantly be available to display in your application.

Method Definition

@WebMethod(action = "updateTestimonial", operationName = "updateTestimonial")
public MethodResponse updateTestimonial(String siteKey, String accessKey, Testimonial testimonial, List imageDetails)

Expected Response

stdClass Object
[return] => stdClass Object
[accountId] => 120132
[company] => Apptivo
[contactId] => 57202
[email] => jchinnamuthu@sirahu.com
[images] =>
[jobTitle] => Job Title
[name] => Testimonials Name
[sequenceNumber] => 1
[siteTestimonialId] => 10131
[statusCode] => 1000
[statusMessage] => Success
[testimonial] =>
Testimonials Description
[testimonialImageUrl] => https://testwp.dev.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/orange-150x116.png
[website] => https://www.apptivo.com

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