What is the updateEvent Method?

This method allows you to make changes to an existing marketing event. By providing an event ID and details, you can update an existing event with new content. This updated event is then available to be displayed by your application.

Method Definition

@WebMethod(action = "updateEvent", operationName = "updateEvent")
public MethodResponse updateEvent(String siteKey, String accessKey, MarketingEventHelper marketingEvent)

Expected Response

stdClass Object
[return] => stdClass Object
[eventName] => Events Tiltle - update
[description] =>
Events Description – update
[startDate] => 2012-05-01T23:34:25-07:00
[endDate] => 2032-05-01T17:00:00-07:00
[pageSectionImages] =>
[link] => https://events.com
[publishedAt] => 01-May-2021
[publishedBy] => Jkumar
[sequenceNumber] => 1
[marketingEventId] => 10203
[eventImages] => https://testwp.dev.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/orange-150x116.png
[statusCode] => 1000
[statusMessage] => Success

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