Personal preferences

Preference settings allows users to customize their business account and its appearance.

  • Set preferences
  • Customize menu header
  • Change password
  • Change online status

Business Settings

Update business information

This customization brings you the effective appearance of your business account with a lot of features.

Personalize business logo

You can attach your business logo into your account.

Set Multicurrency

During the Sign Up process itself you will be asked to identify the country of operation. By default, all apps currency fields would be set in the country of your business. But, you have the ability to allow your customer to owe in the currency of their choice within certain apps.

Delete Account

If you don’t think you’ll use Apptivo again you can delete your account. Note: you won’t be able to reactivate the account.

Apptivo settings

Sign up account

Change password

You can change your password in “Preferences”, you need to know your current password to change something different. If you don’t remember your password you can reset it. We’ll send you the link to reset your password via email.

Change User name

You can change your employee names by accessing Employees App, this allows you to change the basic information of your employee such as name, email address etc. You can also give log in access or remove access from him. Note: Only user who have the access to Employees App can update information.

Manage workshift

Workshift allows you to practice the employment work hours, set periods of time during different Timezone. This worksheet will be applied in Timesheets App.